At LaSt, iT is fInisheD
Anyway, this was the only paper that went on smoothly… Managed also to finished the questions 20mins before the end-of-time… Instead of handing up my scripts, I waited aimlessly there- just for the fun of it… At one point, I even exchanged stares with my lecturer… We looked at each other for awhile, before he suddenly laughed… Yes, he laughed! Maybe because
1. I have a funny look or
2. He remembered the incident where I told him in front of the class that he was smart because he had high forehead. (that was in response to his topic on NERVOUS SYSTEM)… Anyway, that particular incident got the class laughing…
While waiting for the end-of-time, I also played around with the adjustable chair in the lab-turned-examination hall, adjusting it up and down, so childish right?? I was also staring at the clock, anticipating for the end of EXAMS…. The time apparently clawed..
Eventually, the end-of-exams arrived for me!!!- At lAst… eXams over!! YeaH!!
After that, I went to Orchard with friends to ‘chill out’…..